What are the characteristics of dry-type oil-immersed transformers?May , 10, 2023The dry-type transformer completely changes the outdated conditions of old-fashioned bulky and heavy testing transformers, and can be installed on the high-voltage silicon stack produced in conjunctio...view
What is the Role of Oil in Immersed Transformers?Apr , 27, 2023Oil-immersed transformers are sealed insulation materials that use insulation oil. Oil-immersed transformers are widely used in the power supply of civil construction and are one of the important equi...view
Advantages and Disadvantages of Immersed-Type TransformersApr , 13, 2023Oil-immersed test transformers are widely used in power systems, industrial and mining enterprises, and other sectors. The same type of oil-immersed test transformers include gas-filled test transform...view